Teeth Grinding

The Australian Dental Association reports that 8% of adults and 1 in 5 children under 11 grind their teeth. Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can damage you without your knowledge.

The para-functional behaviour frequently happens at night when you’re asleep.

How can you tell if you have it if you only grind your teeth in deep sleep?

  • A sore jaw or dull headache may wake you up.
  • You grind your teeth often.
  • Your dentist discovers the issue during a normal checkup
  • Your sleep partner ribs you!

Impacts of Teeth Grinding


 Constant tension and stress on the jaw joints and muscles can be result of teeth grinding and clenching. Constant grinding of the teeth can lead to soreness in the jaw and neck, headaches, and earaches.

Receding Gums

Receding gums are a common side effect of bruxism. Shifting and loosening teeth from grinding makes spaces between them where bacteria can grow and tug at the gums.

Jaw problems

Teeth grinding can lead to temporomandibular disorders (TMD) by damaging the jaw’s joints and muscles. Pain in the jaw, neck, and shoulders, issues with chewing, talking, and swallowing, are all symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder.

Broken teeth

The most common negative result of clenching and grinding is tooth wear. The enamel begins to wear down and the teeth to become more sensitive to hot and cold. Teeth can break, chip, fracture, or become loose from constant stress and pressure and may also ruin any existing fillings, crowns or bridges.


Migraines and tension headaches can be the result of constant stress and pressure that is exerted on the face.

Disturbed sleep

Pain will disrupt your regular sleeping patterns until you seek professional care of your teeth.


Make appointments to maintain good oral health and prevent potential dental problems.