Oral Surgery

Understanding Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery involves a patient undergoing dental procedures involving their mouth or face.

A graduate dentist must complete a three-year postgraduate programme in oral surgery, followed by surgical training at hospitals and other medical facilities. Additionally, he or she will need to be recognised as a specialist by the Australian Department of Health.

Common Reasons for Oral Surgery

Impacted teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are particularly prone to this problem. However, other parts of the mouth are not immune to the problem. Due to crowding, some teeth may not erupt at all or may only emerge partially when the time comes for them to do so for the first time.

Dental Implants

Dental implants can be used to restore a missing tooth. A crown is attached to the titanium implant after it has been placed in the jaw by the surgeon. These can replace missing teeth after an accident or infection, or they can be used to anchor removable dental prosthetics like bridges or dentures.

Jaw-joint issues

Your jaw and skull are joined at the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In front of one’s ears is a small “hinge” where the ear canals connect.

It can lead to discomfort, popping and stiffness of the jaw, along with headaches.


Dentures that don’t fit properly can be avoided with a little oral surgery before they’re made for someone who’s never worn them before. Long-term denture wearers can also benefit from oral surgery.



Your dentist may suggest orthognathic surgery if your jaw or teeth are misaligned. People with severe overbites or underbites, difficulty chewing or swallowing, certain congenital defects, or sleep apnea may benefit from this treatment. In certain cases, both the upper and lower jaws don’t develop as they should.

Sleep and breathing issues

Snoring and sleep apnea, a disorder in which you temporarily cease breathing while you sleep, fall under this category. If your doctor recommends surgery, you would seek the expertise of an oral surgeon.


Make appointments to maintain good oral health and prevent potential dental problems.