Poor oral care, namely the failure to remove the soft, sticky, white film known as plaque, is a typical cause of gingivitis. If you find out that you have it, don’t worry; you’re not the only one. In our lifetimes, approximately 85% of us will require treatment for gum disease.
You should check the colour of your gums in the mirror to check on the health of your teeth. Gums in good health seem somewhat pink. Gum disease can cause gums to be a deep pink or red colour.
Sensitivity to hot and cold foods is a common sign of gum disease. Because enamel does not cover the roots of your teeth, the dentin underneath is highly sensitive to changes in temperature and pressure.
Gingivitis or periodontitis may already be present if your gums become inflamed, sore, and swollen regularly for no apparent reason. Blood on the toothbrush or in the spit after brushing can also be an indicator of gum disease.
Bacteria can kill tissue near the gum line. The affected person’s teeth will appear “longer,” and the newly visible dental roots may turn yellow. If you have gum disease, your teeth may feel tingling.
Pus indicates advanced gum disease and the body’s response to severe infections. An abscess may also be present if pus is forming.
Take a regular healthy diet
Avoid sugary and fatty foods
Remember to brush teeth after each meal
Avoid or quit smoking
Drinking lots of water (fluoridated water preferred)
Make appointments to maintain good oral health and prevent potential dental problems.